Create the Interest

Owing to our experience in the financial industry we have noticed a considerable communication gap between the different the various actors within. The project owners (be they; entrepreneur, private equity, real estate, etc) believe in their project/services because it is their DNA, their baby: they communicate with their emotion/passion. Whereas, on the other side you have specialists (lawyers, accountants, tax specialists, suppliers, etc), clients and investors: they communicate with their own technical expertise. Each actor has their own point of view, they perceive the reality from a different viewpoint.

Matching these perceptions is key to delivering a solution that will support the project, or convince an investor to take that leap.

 We help all these actors better define their story, help them build/re-enforce their value proposition…and tell the story to be understood by their different audiences. Knowing both sides, we are able to translate the views/needs/expectations accordingly.

Structure Your Business

All businesses evolve. They grow, they restructure, they face challenges in the course of their operations…During these sensitive period/moments, funds, GP’s, project owners, experts…very often need additional resources/support to reach the next level/to overcome challenges. At the same time, they need flexibility and the input from experts who can quickly assess and understand their business.

Project management at this level is a balancing act and experience cannot be substituted.

At Finscoms we are specialised in this kind of support with a particular focus and expertise on the financial services sector. Typically, we can support C-levels to implement their strategy: a niche which consists of helping firms in the financial industry or working closely as client/supplier.

Structure Your Business

Investment Matchmaking

Resulting from our senior industry experience, we have developed an extensive international network of investors, corporates, funds, and projects. Thanks to this strategic positioning we can help investors source deals matching their criteria across multiple asset classes. We can also help projects/funds to connect to investors who are willing to support their vision.

 First phase of investee filtering from Finscoms. Determination to deliver direct to deal rooms.

Our strategy is to be direct and transparent (avoiding the use of intermediaries when possible) source unique, mainly off-market deals and transactions. We are not limited by a sector or geography, even if Europe remains our most important focus.

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Financial Service Marketing

Finscoms is a full services services agency. With specialisms pertaining to Funds and Projects looking to raise capital. We help structure and implement efficient marketing strategies. We define your story, and tell it to the investor community. We understand what investors engage with.

Financial Service Marketing

Strategic Positioning

Strategic Positioning establishes where you are and where you want to be as a result of your strategic marketing. It creates a brand concept that marketing places in the minds of your target audience. Marketing accomplishes that using strategies based on a thorough understanding of the psychographics and demographics of the market segment identified as the target audience. Strategic Positioning is crucial to catch the eye in an overloaded digital world we live in.

Talk to us to boost your strategic positioning and brand via our contact page.

The investor community have built very effective walls designed to block out unsolicited approaches, and other direct methods. The investor community today is adopting Artificial Intelligence to go through your and all approaches, we are experts at positioning, you, your story, your project, your fund to where the investor community respond and engage. If you have struggled to be heard, want to increase and be effective with your strategic positioning then do get in touch with us. 

Brand Positioning & Communication

Brand positioning is the process of  positioning  your brand in the mind of your target audience. More than a tagline or a fancy logo, brand positioning is the  strategy  used to set your fund or project  apart from the rest

Brand Positioning & Communication

Brand positioning is the process of positioning your brand in the mind of your target audience. More than a tagline or a fancy logo, brand positioning is the strategy used to set your fund or project apart from the rest


The art of telling a consistent and credible story is not an easy task, we work with you to achieve communications to your target audience, and with effective communications to your loyal client base, with immediate results from either the traditional or digital marketing arena’s or both!


Finscoms help you improve how you present yourself and your projects / offers to your prospects and clients. We provide you all kind of coaching that will improve your success rate: personal coaching, team coaching, event preparation, Business Development skills, Connecting to new prospects is already a hard task. When you are in the room you still need to convince that your project / offer is the best to consider. When you are organising events or when attending events, you want to be sure that your investment generates return. 


Events and Roadshows are an effective way to present and market your opportunity, a well run event and or roadshow creates interest in your story,  a well run event enables you to convert the interest to a commitment.

Connect with us to see how we can maximise your roadshows and events, small to large budgets we are experts, get in touch with us.


Webinars are a cost effective way to run your very own event, from your device wherever you are in the world, investors can join you wherever they are around the globe. Webinars are a digital marketing version of Events and Roadshows with non existent cost’s, nor a commitment to travel for all. Engage your target audience, interested to see how you can create interest and commitment’s?

Contact us

Project Management, Service Provider Selection, Directorship

Bringing your project / fund to life is not an easy task. You have to manage many technical questions in different fields, usually within tight deadlines. 

Thanks to its experts Finscoms can help you during these high intensity phases by bringing you the right expertise when and where you need it the most. 

We specialise in 3 domains: Project Management, Service Provider Selection, Directorship. 

Finscoms is independent from all service providers and works with you to achieve your goal. 


Finscoms supports you end-to-end to make your dream come true. Wmanage your project for you and with you: 

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Scoping: definition of clear objectives, expected results, business requirements, budgeting, planning

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Coordination: management of all stakeholders during the whole project to ensure a smooth delivery

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Quality: control of the deliveries and their alignment with your objectives and expectations


Service Providers Selection

Finding the right partners is key for your business.  

Thanks to our international network and our independence, Finscoms helps you to identify the right partners. What we do: 

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supplier panel

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preparation of RFP’s

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selection process

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Having an independent view on your business is key. Independent board members bring this external view and provide you their expertise and market knowledge that will make the difference. 

Finscoms helps you to build a diversified board with different skills and culturesThanks to our extensive international network we can provide a wide area of expertise, from regulatory experts to business experts. 

