‘’We’re out raising money at this time’’…..Often that is said with a slight hesitation in the voice, internal trepidation, questioning look and frequently with little clue as to where it’s all going to end up!
Putting together a fund nowadays is a time consuming and costly exercise.
Less often the statement about fund raising is said in a confident tone, full of conviction and a ready, willing and able attitude to launching into a compelling sales pitch. It’s to enable people looking to be part of the latter group that Finscoms supports Funds and Projects to spread the good word about a distribution alternative in particular for the investment funds community.
A preparer of the investor presentation and marketing materials, a roadshow leader, a principal and indeed recipient’s of the pitch all benefit with telling and presenting an effective story, the create all important first impressions in the digital age. We have all seen good and not so good presentations, well prepared briefs, back of the envelope stories, unbelievable claims, unconvincing sales points, disorganised marketing materials, uncompelling headlines etc etc. Enough on occasion to make you want to weep!
But this is often not the fault of the issuer! Putting together a fund nowadays is a time consuming and costly exercise. Once the fund structure and required legal documents are in place the financial cupboard is often rather bare and there is little in the way of financial resources available to ensure that marketing, distribution and communications are optimised. However, the fact is that a lot of effort and angst has gone into getting into fund raising mode and it is now that you need all the help you can get to ensure that the bacon is brought home. You have put months into getting this show on the road and you want to see the appropriate results for your efforts! You are in a highly competitive marketplace with hundreds of funds on offer at any one time. You have to somehow get the attention of a decision maker who can be brought to the conclusion that your fund justifies an allocation…..It’s a huge jump from documents in hand to money in the bank.
It’s now time for a focus on the communication, marketing and distribution of your fund. There are many firms and expensive third party marketeers who have looked to sell their services in this arena but it is only when I made contact with Edward Simpson, the man behind Finscoms, that I discovered that the ideal combination does exist, that it’s clearly been shown to work, with most cases providing instant returns/deliverables and most importantly that it is indeed affordable. If you, as Finscoms believes, can increase the likelihood of raising money by 50% by allowing them to partner with you in this important fund raising phase and even before in terms of preparing to hit the fund raising road, I would venture that it’s well worth considering.
If you would like to learn more about how Finscoms can help with your fund raising please do make contact with us.
The View, Finscoms