No matter how large or small a business is, it is important to implement some communication activities in order to make people and indeed prospective clients aware of your organisation. You cannot sit idly by and expect to be inundated with inbound communications.  Similarly, you cannot engage in a very brief and simple communications campaign and expect to generate long effective client acquisition.


Marketing and communication must be taken on as a long-term commitment, not only to build up the brand of a business but also to secure a steady stream of customers and constantly appeal to potential ones. A marketing and communications strategy is a detailed plan of the initiatives that you intend to implement over the course of time. Supported by a system that allows you to evaluate your strategy will help you to define the areas that you need to improve upon.


When putting together a marketing and communications strategy it is vital to evaluate some of the key elements and sections of your business model. You must clearly define your unique selling point, and be clear about your mission statement; defining your statement will allow employees a consistent point of reference when dealing with communicative endeavors.


A difficult task when communicating with your clients can be defining your tone, but it is vital that you do this. Most if not all organisations want to attract as many clients as possible, however if the communication between you and your clients does not have consistency, then you stand to lose them.