Recap – News You May Have Missed

Recap – News You May Have Missed

Speaker-1024x874 Recap - News You May Have Missed

Welcome to Finscoms wrap-up of recent news that you may have missed.


  • FreeWire Technologies has raised $125 million in new capital managed by BlackRock Financial Management.
  • The investment will be used to accelerate commercial deployments of its battery-boosted EV charging technology and increase manufacturing capacity as well as R&D: Here


  • Centaur Fund Service founding partner sheds more light on the recent acquisition by Waystone.
  • For Centaur, being acquired by Waystone will offer more marketing and sales opportunities and more institutional significance: Here


  • $12.5 billion worth of hotels changed hands during the first three months of 2022 — the highest level for the first calendar quarter since the first three months of 2016.
  • Hotel Properties Attract Investors as Travel Resumes: Here
  • Developers are finding ways to open hotels in already densely built travel destinations.
  • Hotel Developers Still See Opportunities in Travel’s Crowded Hotspots: Here


  • Some top tips if you’re looking to break into the niche market of luxury foods: Here

European Economy

  • Why Europe will have to face the true cost of being in debt to China: Here